SkyTemple Randomizer
Released on 2022-09-27.
Download: https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/4235-skytemple-randomizer
New features:
- Sprites are now downloaded for all available starters and partners
- The EventSleep, Laying and Waking animations are automatically filled with the Sleep animation for all starters and partners if no dedicated EventSleep/Laying/Waking is available.
- A new algorithm for randomizing item lists was added, this new algorithm should randomize items in a much more balanced way. The old algorithm can still be used ("Items" tab, #92)
- The new "Balanced" item algorithm can be configured to apply different multipliers to the weights that are generated (for each item category).
- Max. Kecleon shop chances and max. hidden stair chances can now be configured just like the max. monster house chances.
- A new patch "AntiSoftlock" by End is automatically applied to each ROM, it allows you to proceed in cutscenes that get stuck.
- Fixed treasure rooms being randomized and unclearable with the "Boss Room Randomization" option (#69)
- Various smaller bugfixes in the code that manipulates the files in the game
- Yes/No can now be used as answers in the personality quiz (#86)
- (A new YAML library was added that doesn't interpret yes/no/y/n as booleans)
- Portraits and sprites are now downloaded from the SpriteCollab server (spriteserver.pmdcollab.org) (#88)
- The randomization progress bar now shows how many portraits/sprites were already downloaded and how many are pending
- The MoveShortcuts Patch was updated (thanks to End):
- "MoveShortcuts has been updated to prevent the player from passing turn by holding A+B while the move list is shown, which would cause a minor graphical glitch."
- The Complete Team Control Patch was updated (thanks to Cipnit):
- "Players are now prevented from changing team tactics during manual mode. For some reason, doing so completely destroys turn order and leadership status."
- Native file handlers written in Rust are now used by default to process the files in the game,
this can be disabled if these implementations cause errors (#90)
- They should be much faster than the old Python-based implementations
- These file handlers include portraits, map graphics, dungeon graphics, dungeon data, monster data, item data, move data, compression algorithms
- A lot of under the hood code quality improvements and refactoring
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