

Released on 2022-04-03.



New Features:

  • New patch by @End45: DynamicBossesEverywhere - Allows placing special fixed room entities no. 124-127 (Explorer Maze enemies) in any fixed room without causing the game to crash.
  • New patch by an anonoymous contributor: ExtractObjectTable - Extracts the object table to a separate file in the ROM:
    • It is now possible (after applying this patch) to edit objects under "Lists"
    • It is now possible to add new actors and objects.


  • Better MacOS compatibility (including experimental support for Monterey; thanks to @tech-ticks)
  • DeSmuME has been updated and should perform better on Linux and MacOS
  • For unsupported ROMs a proper error is now shown


  • The move growth and stats display patch were fixed (thanks to @End45)
  • Importing and exporting Pokémon with the "ChangePokemonGroundAnim" patch works again (skytemple/skytemple-files#215).
  • Fixed scripts with an aliased routine as their last routine not being able to be opened (SkyTemple/skytemple-ssb-debugger#73).
  • Fixed the settings for disabling error reporting (#399)
  • Fixed Link Boxes not being added correctly to item lists (SkyTemple/skytemple-files#186)


  • The errors reported to Sentry have been improved

NOTE: Localizations have not been updated for new texts. The next localization update will be applied for version 1.4.0.
