

Released on 2024-01-11.


This release fixes a few bugs in SkyTemple 1.6.2.


  • The description of some fixed room actions was improved (thanks to @End45)
  • The import/export buttons for Pokémon sprites are now grayed out if the Pokémon has an invalid sprite ID assigned (the button to add a new sprite is still available).


  • Fixed a bug introduced in 1.6.2 that prevented adding new Pokémon sprites.
  • Actually fixed the issue affecting tile corruption with trap and item sprites
  • Fixed an issue where tileset 81 was not able to be loaded with "Native File Handlers" enabled and fixed related potential tileset corruption issues
  • The CompleteTeamControl patch was updated to version 1.2.5 by @Adex-8x, fixing the following issue:

    When using Complete Team Control, if you attempted to use an Orb with an ally who wasn't originally the leader, the game would still recalculate the potential targets surrounding them. This has the noticeable impact of an ally using an Orb in an unintended direction from where they're currently facing.


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Linux Flatpak

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Link is to latest stable. To downgrade to this release use commit e35efeef190d2b574666eacae6b05ab176c937115d4f64932f5de3be20343f39.